How to write a new model

Model Implementation

We implement our models in model_center/model

We provided commonly used modules in model_center/layer, such as Linear, LayerNorm, Embedding, which are implemented based on bmtrain.DistributedParameter and bmtrain.DistributedModule, for distributed training support.

We have also implemented common ways of combining modules in model_center/layer, which are block. For example, SelfAttentionBlock combines Layernorm, Attention, Add&Norm together. Each blocks has diverse option, e.g., FFNBlock supports gated_relu, relu, gated_gelu, gelu; blocks support pre-layernorm and post-layernorm.

With the help of these commonly used modules we provided, a new model can be written easily without many exceptions. You can just add the model specific feature into the common structure.

A classic transformer is implemented in the following structure:

We use bmtrain.CheckpointBlock, and bmtrain.TransformerBlockList to wrap our transformer blocks. These reducd the GPU memory usage by a great amount without adding lots of computation time. For more information, see BMTrain’s Quick Start

  (input_embedding): Embedding()
  (position_bias_enc): RelativePositionEmbedding()
  (position_bias_dec): RelativePositionEmbedding()
  (encoder): Encoder(
    (layers): bmtrain.TransformerBlockList(
      (0): bmtrain.CheckpointBlock(
          (self_att): SelfAttentionBlock(
            (layernorm_before_attention): LayerNorm()
            (attention): Attention(
              (project_q): Linear()
              (project_k): Linear()
              (project_v): Linear()
              (attention_out): Linear()
          (ffn): FFNBlock(
            (layernorm_before_ffn): LayerNorm()
            (ffn): FeedForward(
              (w_in): DenseACT(
                (w): Linear()
                (act): ReLU()
              (w_out): Linear()
      (1): bmtrain.CheckpointBlock()
    (output_layernorm): LayerNorm()
  (decoder): Decoder(
    (layers): bmtrain.TransformerBlockList(
      (0): bmtrain.CheckpointBlock(
        (self_att): SelfAttentionBlock(
          (layernorm_before_attention): LayerNorm()
          (attention): Attention(
            (project_q): Linear()
            (project_k): Linear()
            (project_v): Linear()
            (attention_out): Linear()
        (cross_att): CrossAttentionBlock(
          (layernorm_before_attention): LayerNorm()
          (attention): Attention(
            (project_q): Linear()
            (project_k): Linear()
            (project_v): Linear()
            (attention_out): Linear()
        (ffn): FFNBlock(
          (layernorm_before_ffn): LayerNorm()
          (ffn): FeedForward(
            (w_in): DenseACT(
              (w): Linear()
              (act): ReLU()
            (w_out): Linear()
      (1): bmtrain.CheckpointBlock()
    (output_layernorm): LayerNorm()
  (output_projection): Linear(
    (weight): bmtrain.DistributedParameter()
    (bias): bmtrain.DistributedParameter()

Model Config

We add model configs in model_center/model/config

By inheriting model_center.config.Config, config class can parse json files with config.from_json_file(path) method, the parsed json file are then save to the config class and used by model by instantiating model with model(config).